High Fives Blend - Fair Trade Organic


Grown: 1200-1800 meters

Blend: Sumatra, Colombia, Nicaragua

Cupping Notes: This coffee features florals and nutty aromas with balanced flavors of dark chocolate, walnut, and sweet black cherry.

High Fives Foundation: An adaptive sports foundation with heart partnering with Twisted Tree Coffee for an amazing blend of coffee that supports a great cause.

High Fives nonprofit organization is on a mission to provide hope and resources for athletes from all walks of life. We support our people and help them get back to their outdoor physical activity of choice from snowboarding and skiing to surfing and mountain biking and beyond.

When you purchase this delicious High Fives Blend of coffee know that a $1.00 of proceeds benefit the High Fives Foundation. Together we are stronger!!!

Weight: 12oz

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